Monday, January 19, 2009

Speaking Color

Color and hue are synonymous and can be used interchangeably.
Red, yellow & blue are the primary colors.
Green, orange & violet are the secondary colors.
A mixture of two secondary colors are the tertiary colors.

Warna dan corak yang sama dan dapat digunakan interchangeably, Merah, kuning dan biru adalah warna dasar. Green, orange and violet are the secondary colors and tertiary colors are a mixture of two secondary colors. Hijau, oranye dan ungu adalah warna sekunder dan tersier adalah warna campuran dari dua warna sekunder.

The intensity of a color is described as saturation or chroma. Saturation is determined by how little or how much gray a color contains. In its purest form a hue is at maximum chroma; these are colors that are not "grayed." They are described as: clear, pure, brilliant, bright, rich, bold, vivid and/or true. The grayer or more neutral a color is, the less its saturation. Less saturated. Less saturated colors are described as soft, muted, subtle, toned-down, misty, dull or dusty.
Intensitas warna digambarkan sebagai chroma atau saturation. Saturation is determined by how little or how much gray a color contains. Saturation ditentukan oleh berapa jumlah sedikit atau warna abu-abu berisi. In its purest form a hue is at maximum chroma; these are colors that are not "grayed." Dalam membentuk purest hue adalah maksimal chroma; ini adalah warna yang tidak "berwarna abu-abu." They are described as: clear, pure, brilliant, bright, rich, bold, vivid and/or true. Mereka digambarkan sebagai: jelas, murni, cerah, terang, kaya, berani, hidup dan / atau benar. The grayer or more neutral a color is, the less its saturation. Grayer atau yang lebih netral warna, semakin kurang dan saturasi. Less saturated. Kurang jenuh. Less saturated colors are described as soft, muted, subtle, toned-down, misty, dull or dusty. Kurang warna jenuh dijelaskan sebagai lembut, diredam, halus, berbudi-bawah, misty, kusam atau berdebu.

The lightness or darkness of a color is called its value. Lightened values are tints, darkened values are shades and medium value colors are described as midtones. A variation in the light to dark arrangement or design is called a 'value pattern." Keeping the value pattern minimized within a limited range creates an understated, subtle and restrained look that is seen as calm an quiet. Colors close in value have "soft edges" between them, while excitement and drama are suggested by sharp changes in value.
Penerangan yang gelap atau warna yang disebut dengan nilai. Lightened values are tints, darkened values are shades and medium value colors are described as midtones. Meringankan nilai tints, gelap nilai Shades dan menengah nilai warna yang digambarkan sebagai midtones. A variation in the light to dark arrangement or design is called a 'value pattern." Keeping the value pattern minimized within a limited range creates an understated, subtle and restrained look that is seen as calm an quiet. Colors close in value have "soft edges" between them, while excitement and drama are suggested by sharp changes in value. Sebuah variasi dalam terang ke gelap susunan atau desain yang disebut 'nilai pola. "Memelihara nilai pola diminimalkan dalam kisaran terbatas menciptakan sebuah understated, halus dan terkendali tampilan yang dilihat sebagai sebuah tenang tenang. Warna dekat memiliki nilai" lunak Tepi "di antara mereka, sedangkan kesenangan dan drama yang diusulkan oleh perubahan tajam dalam nilai.
